Zasavica - Visitor's Centre Zasavica - čamci Zasavica - priroda Zasavica - ptica Zasavica - ptica Zasavica - Visitor's Centre Zasavica - Visitor's Centre
Aerial View from Visitor's Centre
Aerial View on boats from Visitor's Centre
Nature of Zasavica
A bird in Zasavica
A bird in Zasavica
Visitor's Centre View
Visitor's Centre View

(srpski) XII Dan magarica u Zasavici

Program susreta:
9-10 h okupljanje posetilaca i gostiju
11 h takmičenje dece posetilaca u UKRAŠAVANJU PULADI
(nagrade za tri najuspešnije ekipe)
-Prezentacija proizvoda od magarećeg mleka (kreme za lice, sapuni, liker i
najskuplji sir na svetu)
Upravnik rezervata
Slobodan Simić

Aldrovanda vesiculosa

Prema informaciji strucnog saradnika Mihajla Stankovica ove 2020.godine je tacno 15 godina od kada je pronadjena aldrovanda u Zasavici, vrsta za koju se smatralo da je iscezla u Srbiji pocetkom XX veka. Pronadjena je u priobalju Valjevca tokom uzorkovanja vode.

Sava TIES Kick-off Event and 2nd Steering Committee Meeting Announcement

Next week, from 1st till 4th October 2018, the Sava TIES Initial Public Kick-off Event and the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting will take place in Novi Sad, Serbia. During the initial Kick-off Event, which will be held on the first day, the Sava TIES project will be presented to the general public and all the relevant stakeholders in the Sava River basin. The project activities will continue for the next three days during which the 2nd Steering Commitee will be organized. These events are very important for the project promotion and successful advancement. You can also contribute to or benefit from the project. Are you interested how? Join us at the public kick-off event and you will find out more!

#SavaTIES #Interreg #DTP #Sava #rivers #SavaRiverBasin #Europe#DanubeTransnationalProgramme #IAS #InvasiveAlienSpecies #event#BeActive #EUfunds

I International Meeting: Good agricultural practices and improvement of agricultural riparian areas in the Drina-Sava region

First International Meeting: Good agricultural practices and improvement of agricultural riparian areas in the Drina – Sava region, organized by Pokret Gorana from Sremska Mitrovica, was held on 30th of March 2017. This meeting is supported by the SWG within the EU project “Support for regional cooperation and balanced territorial development in the Western Balkans in the process of European integration “.

Meeting has been held in the Vizitor center, at the Special Nature Reservation of Zasavica, in order to arise a discussion about good agricultural practices in order to protect watercourse.

The target group of this meeting were the stakeholders of the SWG cross-border Drina-Sava region. The experience of the best agricultural practices and its role, as well as the importance of agriculture riparian areas in the preservation of water resources, were presented to the target group.

The possibilities for the preservation and improvement of the of agriculture riparian areas of surface watercourses have opened a discussion about the possibilities for joint projects and initiatives, potential sources of financing for education of citizens, and about a pilot action for recovery of riparian areas.

Counseling is the first step towards mutual cooperation of stakeholders and key stakeholders in the area of identification and assessment of coastal areas, and the about the impact of agricultural activities on its condition, bio and agro-diversity and the status of watercourses at the Drina River basin.

za sajt 4 za sajt 3 za sajt 2 sa sajt 1



Within the Zasavica Flooding Pilot Project (Zasavica FLOPP Pilot Project), in the last week of March, a field survey was conducted of all land owners in the Sadžak area (local communities Noćaj and Radenković). The survey of the owners was conducted as the continuation of activities of the first Workshop of all stakeholders to resolve the conflict over the establishment of adequate water regime in the area of the Reserve ( “Dialogue for compromise”, held on 25 February 2016). The purpose of the survey was the collection of data, opinions and attitudes of the owners in connection with the creation of conditions for redemption or conversion of critical agricultural parcels on Sadžak, which are flooded during periods of high water. The interviewing was attended by representatives of the reserve and the local community.


  • Consultation with land owners  – 30 land owners approached, 22 interviewed. Information regarding exact location of land, land surface, land use types, soil class, type of crops, annual yield, frequency of flooding, … vision of the future development of the Zasavica SNR were collected (24 questions at all).
  • Perception of risk from flooding (8 questions) – The land owners’ experience of past flooding (occasionally, frequently, every year) also had an influence upon their perception of the risk and how they should deal with this risk.
    • With 1/3 of respondents, the risk of flooding influences their intentions regarding their use of land in the future
    • Yet, only 15% of them are considering a possible change of land use (10% to organic production and 5% turning to SRP Zasavica tourism), others operate on a more ad hoc basis
    • 1/3 of them were not informed about the workshop “Dialogue for compromise” held at SRP Zasavica, others informed and attended.
  • There appeared to be a consensus of opinion about the interest for information, cooperation with the Reserve and finding an acceptable conflict solution, as well as about a participation in the development of a joint Action Plan by 2020.
  • Their vision of long-term development of the Reserve is „a compromise between nature conservation and agriculture /water management that would respect both sides, with the aim of good and sustainable governance“. According to them, what should be taken immediately (this year) is to agree and decide on the currently acceptable
    solution to the conflict.
  • The results show that the flooding issues have become less significant for land owners at Sadzak area in the last 5 years, for the following reasons:
    • number of owners decreased from 30 to 22 because of enlargement and the change of land use.
    • 5 owners with about 25 ha of land turned to the production of biomass (energy cane Miscanthus)
  • „Zasavica FLOPP“ project helped establishing the exact situation and a dialogue with stakeholders
  • Action plan, to be developed in the 2nd phase of the project, will contain proposal of alternative activities that would bring more money than existing agriculture at Sadzak which is under constant threat of flooding
  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Workshop with the theme on the Action Plan will be held in mid-August 2016, followed by a detailed notice!

Workshop “Flooding Zasavica” as a part of a pilot project, held in Zasavica Special Nature Reserve

As a part of the Pilot Project “Flooding Zasavica” on February 25th 2016, the first workshop was held for all parties interested in conflict resolution of the establishment of an adequate water regime in the area of ​​the reserve.

After presenting possible scenarios for improving the water regime of Zasavica, which would be favorable for improving the conservation status of all endangered species with international protection status, representatives of the local community, JVP Vode Vojvodina , VPC Sava- Sabac, fishing association ” Karaš “, Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura and Nature Conservation Movement of Sremska Mitrovica had the opportunity to discuss the vision of the future reserves and ways of their realization.

Despite the conflict in interests of the local population which is engaged in agriculture and the controller of the reserve, the participants were able to come up with a proposal for a resolution to the conflict – the purchase of critical agricultural plots that are flooding during periods of high water.

In addition, the workshop has established a Committee of stakeholders who will monitor the project activities and monitor the implementation of activities for the solution of the water conflict in  SNR Zasavica.




Signing of the Declaration, Novi Sad

Signing of the Declaration_Novi Sad

Sava Parks Workshop NP Fruška Gora

SavaParks Workshop_NP Fruska Gora


Zasavica FLOPP Workshop with the theme on the Action Plan
will be held 19th August 2016, 10.00 h at Zasavica Visitor Centre
(see detailed Invitatation and Agenda on SRB page)

Signing the Declaration on the Sava river Basin Protected Areas Network- SAVAPARKS

On the 2nd of February 2015.ev. institutions from 4 countries Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia and Slovenia that manage the areas along the Sava River signed the Declarations of the SAVAPARKS Network.

By signing the declaration all institutions have assumed the responsibility to preserve the biological diversification of the protected areas along the Sava River.